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8 Secrets of Life: Lessons from My Dad

Why are we here? Where are we headed? What is holding us back?

I hope that one day we can each live fully, knowing the answers to each of these questions in our own lives. I believe that the path to this reality is scattered with hints – strewn with secrets that can help us along the way if only we stop to gather them.

Looking back, I can see many Secrets of Life shown to me by my Dad in the way he lived. As an adult, I can feel time passing so quickly, and I believe the most important decisions I will make are the ones that allow me to live honestly and be happy. I now understand that I have the power to choose the kind of life I want. During my lifetime with Dad, he has taught me many different ways to look at the world; most importantly, though, he has been my friend and my safe place when I have fallen short. I believe the secrets of life he has discovered are unfolding through me so that I can better help my children. Here are the “8 Secrets of Life: Lessons from my Dad,” which I am now passing on to you to honor my Dad this Father’s Day season.

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