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May Cosmic Calendar

Sun enters curious Gemini early on the 20th offering more lightness to the atmospheric conditions, calling us to connect, gather with our tribe or find our community over the next month. Full Moon on the 21st, 2:14 pm PDT, at the 2nd degree of Sagittarius opposes Sun in Gemini joined by asteroid Vesta. This combination brings to the fore what is most sacred to each of us and in the collective consciousness, continuing that theme at this illuminating moment in time. It emphasizes the power of our thoughts and words. Are our interactions in alignment with personal integrity and ideals? Are we having the impact we want in how we present ourselves and our ideas, how we share what we most care about? Retrograde Mars joins the Moon as well in a potent addition to this lunation, a reminder of sorts to stay tuned in to how our actions reflect the highest intentions. Wherever the early degrees of Sagittarius-Gemini fall in our charts are areas subject to greater mindfulness and insight. "White capped waves display the power of wind over sea. The mobilization of unconsciousness energies under the pressure of superpersonal motives." (Rudhyar, S.S. for Moon) Mercury is also stationing right now to turn direct tomorrow at the mid-degree of Taurus. The review time for values and material matters is over, now is the phase where we more easily sort out all we've gone over in the last 3 weeks. With Mercury and Jupiter direct there's even more support for moving forward on the practical aspects of important projects. On June 7 Mercury will re-cross its retrograde degree for an even clearer green light on moving ahead. The 3rd of 3 Jupiter-Saturn squares becomes exact on the 26th completing part of the cycle that began August 3, 2015 and was re-visited on March 23 of this year. The first square was in Leo-Scorpio starting off the culture changing and personally challenging aspect with a conflict between ego needs and responsibility to others in how we work with shared values and resources. This ending part of the cycle has the planets exposing the cultural changes in the works while individually showing us where limiting beliefs have frustrated fulfillment of goals and dreams. Last day of May a potent, volatile conjunction with Uranus the Liberator and Eris, mythological goddess of discord, compel us to break free from situations and alliances where we feel like misfits. We have a burning, in some cases raging, need to feel seen, heard, supported in mutual relationships. Possibilities are explosive for those situations where freedom has been denied, either from without or within, as major eruptions ensue. rebellion is the answer to ancient rage, and of course we can channel that raw energy into creative action as we find just the right place to be, people to work and play with and where we fit into to the current and ongoing revolutionary/evolutionary movement That's transmuting our planet and all of us along with it into the "New Earth".

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