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March out of Madness

"Facebook, Twitter and similar sites deliver the promise of being constantly connected, wanted, admired, even loved. Thy have brought into our society interpretations of identity and relationships that challenge current values and morality...." Susan Greenfield, Mind Change

Yesterday, a young woman sat down next to me. She, like so many in public, was scanning through the pages of her cell phone. I asked her if she would like to take a challenge. I shared with her that there were many loving energies around her, however, they could not reach her because the cell phone interfered with those deeper realities. My challenge to the woman was to go a full day without having the mobile in hand. I encouraged her to switch it off. Leave it at home and experience her life in the present and phone-less.

Her reaction to my request revealed that she had been swallowed up into the cell phone matrix.

The woman's face became very worried and anxious.

It was as if her inner thoughts were screaming, ..

"NO! PLEASE don't ask me to do that! I can't be away from my mobile....not for a day....not even for a few minutes. I can't manage my own thoughts. I NEED this phone to be my instructor. This mobile does it ALL for me. I don't know how to communicate with others without it. I can't leave my cell at home - I'd be lost. "

Back in the 60's, when people were becoming addicted to watching television, the monitor was nicknamed, "The Boob Tube". A cellular device today could be called "Wi-Fryer Brain Drainer".

When technology takes an individual away from their true spirit, it disconnects them from the Divine and leads them into the void. How do we bring people back to their hearts?

Science has proven that cellphone act like microwave ovens and cooks the head when the phone is near the ear. How many of us have actually walked up to someone who is on their phone and warn them of the dangers? If we saw someone crossing a very busy street, would we not prevent them from being hit by a car? Why won't we react the same way for a cell phone user? In ten year's time perhaps less, these dear ones will not have sound minds or healthy bodies. Is this the kind of future we are preparing for?

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