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February Full Moon

Full Moon on the 22nd at the 4th degree of Virgo opposes Sun, Neptune and Ceres in Pisces highlighting the sanctity of the mundane aspects of existence. Chiron-South Node oppose Jupiter North Node for the compassion, vision, and devotion to healing the ancient wounds, personal and collective, of the brutal last 5,000 years of dominance-submission; for changing consciousness from separate and competitive to unity, for reviving faith in the innate goodness of ourselves and all humanity and for transmuting our very DNA to resonate to a finer frequency. Paying attention to the magical and miraculous in everyday life is a huge part of the revolution of consciousness we're undergoing, as the crumbling power structure works overtime to keep us distracted in separatism, fear, belief in scarcity of resources and innate greed of the species. Saturn squares the Chiron-Jupiter aspect challenging us to bring forth our most empowering and enlightening beliefs to insure a present and future of life-affirming values. The sociopaths have had their day, and then some, now is the time for utopian ideals to meet with real solutions. "Black and white children play together happily. The overcoming of socio-cultural prejudices." (Rudyhar, Sabian Symbol for 4th degree of Virgo) We're ending a crucial 19 year cycle and beginning a new one with the next New Moon, a Solar Eclipse of extraordinary power. Start looking back to 1997, March 8, when an eclipse began this cycle that is culminating in the next month. What was your focus then, what dreams were essential? We have an opportunity to go to the next level as we approach the Pisces Solar Eclipse on this March 8. May we dream well.

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