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January's New Moon

New Moon at the 20th degree of Capricorn on the 9th perfects at 5:30 pm PST, with both Lights joined by Pluto, squared by Uranus for a good, hefty, continuing shake up of our reality. Jupiter retrograde and North Node join over a span of auspicious days, from now through at least the 24th, to point us in the right direction in all matters ruled by the Greater Benefic; a time when major improvements can be made with the simplest and most accessible elements. Whether it's in the personal realm for each of us indicated by where 23 degrees Virgo resides in our charts, or in the larger picture, with better ideas for improving health care for the masses and broadening educational opportunities. The balance between abandon and control are prominent themes in our lives all this year with Saturn-Neptune, and at this new beginning the 2 planets are helping us to retain what makes sense from the past and allow the inner wisdom to guide us into the future. Sabian Symbol for the Sun and Moon's degree from Rudhyar: "A hidden choir is singing during a religious service. The fulfillment of the individual's creative function through his participation in a group performance consecrated to a transcendent realization of unity." SR

"DIVINE MESSAGES: While the Sabian symbol for the New Moon and its hidden choir of unified voices delivers messages from "on high," and Mercury, The Messenger, is disseminating the energy of 29 Capricorn and "a woman reading tea leaves." Mercury is retrograde, so messages and information on how to revise, re-work, and realign anything is present. Tea leaves are abstract and symbolic, reading from the collective consciousness and individual consciousness. We will see and hear the signs and understand what we need to do." ~ The Oracle Report


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